On my 1025 check of Rabbit
Island I found a bumper croppa' critters. 50 ft right of Seal Rock Inlet. There
I found Kolohe (RW22) and Mojo (RI17) playing those boyish games with Sadie
(RB12). The boys were cutting off access to the other guy, and jocking for prime
location next to Sadie. They all entered the water, with Sadie in the lead, only to haul out 50 ft further down the
beach, and all hauled out with the boys right behind Sadie. Mojo gave up and
just moved off to snooze, but Sadie and Kolohe spent the rest of the day up in
the dunes behind Seal Rock Inlet, 20 ft apart.
Also at 1025 I found an
animal, alone, 40 ft left of 1BS on RI. It would take a couple of hours but it
turned out to be RM38.
At 1225 Nani (RK60) hauled
out to briefl join M38, before moving behind the dunes left of 1BS, and out of
my line of sight.
Hanauma Bay posse member Ann
called at 0828 to advise that one of the HB regular morning swimmers had run
into an animal in the Cable Channel to the right side of the bay. Though there
was no ID, it is a known Irma hang out location.
At 0830 Team Billand
reported T15M between Tower#2 and the showers at White Plains.
At 1039 the Billands found
Kermit (R012) fronting pavillion #1811 at Nimitz Cottages.
At 1444 Team Billand found
Noa (R6FI) and R018 together at Maili.
M38 & Nani
Kaiwi striking a pose? or flipping you off?
this can not be comfortable
much better
yes i am still cute
Kermit @ Nimitz
Noa & R018 @ Maili
T15 aka Sharkbite @ White Plains
Extra protection from the men in blue.... Thank you gentlemen for looking after the seals and helping Team Billand.
We were thrilled Sharkbite returned to Plains so we could observe his behavior and see if there was any more hooks or line on him. TO our relief, he was perfectly fine. AMEN!! Thanks David Schofield!
Of course we werent too happy of Sharkbites LOCATION..RIGHT NEXT TO THE SHOWERS, where surfers wash their boards and bodies!!! BUT..all turned out ok. We sat at the showers, making sure no one would try to be funny and shoot our elder seal for fun. All were respectful, and we thank everyone.
DNLR paid us a visit, and that was great, we talked about stuff that has been going on at various locations. We educated them on Kermit and we took em to meet SHARKBITE..that was cool, they saw for themselves what trauma, this elder seal been through with those awesome healed wounds. They talked about the size of the sharks etc..pretty interesting conversation. Got to admit, having them around is like WOW!!! NO one does the usual, run in front of the seal, swim in front of them, no yelling at the seal...just LOOKS. I wish we could keep DNLR on our Key Chain,. If we run into idiots with our seals, just whip out our DNLR key chain and magic...all is good. He. he.
We had to deal with lots of rain, some thunder, even lightning. But we managed, kept the seals safe.
ROb and I went to KoOlina early morn, thought we would wait for Pohaku to haul in at her spot...but after 45 min. or so. she was a NO SHOW. And we never got a call of a seal hauling out at KoOlina for the first time in days...weeks. If there had been a seal there, we didnt know about it.
Cant tell ya how happy I was to find TWO seals at Maili...Noa and R018. Seeing little Noa with that big seal, wow, what a difference. R018 kept trying to get where NOa was as the waves were huge and surrounding the location up. The heavy rains came, made it hard to walk on the rocks, not good for my camera, so had to leave.
Kermit was found at Nimitz area, and he stayed all day, with near by party people coming to visit him. We tried to educate those that came by. One family didnt speak english from Czechoslovakia..but one guy knew english and translated for the family. That was neat conversation as well.
ANother couple showed up, who we met last year and came special to see our seals. They said they tried to get a cottage at Plains and Nimitz but it was booked and sadly had to go to WAIKIKI. They made the drive out and was thrilled to meet up with Kermit and we introduced them to Sharkbite. We told them of Irmas sharkbite, but she is ok and healing at Haunama Bay area.
Even with all the rain etc, it was a nice day out on the shores with our magnificent Hawaiian Monk Seals..Sharkbite, Kermit, Noa and R018.
Thanks for keeping RM38 on Oahu....he hasn't been here in a while and I'm glad of that!!!
Thanks for keeping RM38 on Oahu....then he's not bothering any of the seals here......Thanks for all that you all do!!!
yes we lure him with seal whispers... LOL - He'll be back before you know it.
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