At 0707 I found Sadie (RB12) up
behind the dunes , 40 ft left of 1BS on Rabbit Island. She would finally move
down at 1203, allowing the ID.
At 0854 I found RIP (RR70)
fronting 3BS on RI. He would also remain all day.
At 0734 Team Billand reported
Kermit (R012) near the showers at White Plains.
Dera called at 0908 with the
report of R5AY in Laie. Posse member Kelly Girl confirmed the ID, and also
advised that R5AY had been run off by dogs.
At 1015 the reported M&M
(R020) near Access 186D, Ewa Beach.
At 1149 the Billand reported
Pohaku (R028) in Nanakuli.
At 1222 Dana called to advise
that Kelly Girl had found Ua' Malie (RT10) at High Rock, Kahuku.
Billand's next find was 2AW at Tracks, and at a separated location the found
T15M at Tracks at 1254.
At 1327 Dana called with the report of Right Spot, at
Right Spot's spot, Turtle Bay.
RIP @ Rabbit Island
Sadie Sadie married lady... oh well maybe not, but she's getting close to baby making age
Kaiwi - Is she doing yoga or suffering from cramps?
oh no! I forgot my sunglasses
awwww let's see if i can twist into a knot
if i lift my tail back here and wrap it around ....
Oh I soooo need a manicure
Ua'Maile @ High Rock... This kid is a big girl for a young'en
R5AY was found at Laie Point elbow beach on the Polynesian Cultural side of the point. This is Azlina's Beach although it was the opposite end toward Laie Point, in case anyone else gets a call like that. I had to access it thru an empty lot after checking behind Azlina's House first.
As I walked the beach to find her I ran into the fisher boy who called the seal in. He said he saw the tags 5AY/5AZ. So it really wasn't me who identified her. This is a narrow beach and impossible to pass a seal at less than 15ft. The whole beach is only 15ft wide. This young boy had great eye sight! This young boy must have been under 13 years of age. What a good thing when the younger generation starts taking responsibility:)
I then headed to High Rock and found Ua Malie on her princess thrown. She looks so big! What has she been eating out there at the James Campbell NWR?
Do you notice her flipper tucked under that rock....doesn't look to comfortable?
I then headed to TB/Turtle Bay and found Right Spot in Right Spot's spot. Lots of debris on the beach and one family with small children snorkeling 400ft away so I educated them. They had just arrived to the island. They had not even seen Right Spot...she blended so well with all of the debris. They were very thankful I pointed the seal out to them for the safety and education of their two very small children.
I also educated another couple who were so excited to see Right Spot because they were leaving the island tomorrow and they said "seeing the seal made there whole trip" :)
There was another couple with a small dog off the leash stopped just in time. They thanked me for the warning that there was a seal up ahead and they leashed there dog that they rescued from the Humane Society.
I never made it out to Mokuleia to look for RI37/I38 as I had first planned.
Another great seal day in paradise,
kelly girl
R5AY was run off by a couple walking 2 large dogs and a puppy before I got withing 300-400 feet of the seal it went into the water. I did not acutally make the ID. The fisher boy did.
Have you seen R137 lately? Thanks for watching out for her. She is so sweet. I am sending lots of positive thoughts for a safe delivery and healthy pup.
Frequent island visitor,
Hi Kathy... thanks for asking about RI37. So far there haven't been any confirmed sightings. I know we are all curious where she might be, and if she had a healthy pup this year...
Time will tell.
Hang in there and keep coming back.
da blog lady
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