Interested in protecting the marine life of the North Shore – in achieving a community vision of “more fish and healthy reefs” – in learning about the current scientific research behind our very special Pupukea-Waimea State Marine Life Conservation District?
Hui Malama O Pupukea-Waimea
invites to you the first annual
“Pupukea-Waimea Science Talk Story”
When: Friday, August 21, 2009, 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Where: Waimea Valley Pavilion
Who: Three distinguished scientists who have studied the Pupukea-Waimea MLCD – Dr. Alan Friedlander (Univ. of Hawaii), Eric Conklin (The Nature Conservancy), and Dr. Carl Meyer (Univ of Hawaii, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology)
* Details are still being confirmed so please check the web site (www.pupukeawaimea.org) and watch for further emails from the Hui for final confirmation.
The event will be open to the public and free. All Hui volunteers and `ohana are particularly encouraged to attend.
Email Hui Board Member Denise Antolini if you have questions that can't wait until another announcement ... (Antolini@hawaii.rr.com).
We hope you can join us for this exciting event!
Interested in protecting the marine life of the North Shore – in achieving a community vision of “more fish and healthy reefs” – in learning about the current scientific research behind our very special Pupukea-Waimea State Marine Life Conservation District?
Hui Malama O Pupukea-Waimea
invites to you the first annual
“Pupukea-Waimea Science Talk Story”
When: Friday, August 21, 2009, 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Where: Waimea Valley Pavilion
Who: Three distinguished scientists who have studied the Pupukea-Waimea MLCD – Dr. Alan Friedlander (Univ. of Hawaii), Eric Conklin (The Nature Conservancy), and Dr. Carl Meyer (Univ of Hawaii, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology)
* Details are still being confirmed so please check the web site (www.pupukeawaimea.org) and watch for further emails from the Hui for final confirmation.
The event will be open to the public and free. All Hui volunteers and `ohana are particularly encouraged to attend.
Email Hui Board Member Denise Antolini if you have questions that can't wait until another announcement ... (Antolini@hawaii.rr.com).
We hope you can join us for this exciting event!
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