Aloha My Friend,
I was just too pooped and could not get the pictures downsized to send last night after the treak out to KP. Larry Stamey and Jean Compton were wonderful companions from the Makaha penetration point.
Our goal was to find Kirby, Alas no luck. We found 3 animals one hauled somewhat out with the head under water for the longest time, reported what could be seen of the tag to Tracy. The animal had a definite white spot about the middle of the back.
The other two were just beautiful basking on a nice little haul out spot. Would have been perfect if one had been Kirby. As you can see I tried to get snout shots even though one animal was huge and even the other one I thought was too large to be Kirby. Reported to Tracy and DB that no Kirby spotting on our shift was happening. Sorry folks. Hopefully today's crew will have better luck.
Dana Jones
Well...Well...Well... That was interesting. If I understand your email correctly, you saw 3 animals. Is that correct ? The R041 tag, as Tracy probably told you , is Ka'ena, Irma's #3 son, born at KP. The other two animals are Benny (RE74), the guy with the scars on each side of his face, and a KP regular, though he gets around.............A LOT ! The last animal was the reeeeeeeeeally neat find. It's BG (R303), and young female that has been around the last couple of years. I gave her that name because when I met her she was Benny's Girl.........BG !! She has been in and out alot, having been seen on Kauai, and Molokai. There is no age on BG, but she is a young girl. Ya' Done Good !! Love, DB
This is Jean Compton who went to Kaena Point with you. Larry Stamey has disappeared. He has left his job. His was ill last time I saw him-Sunday the 16th and left about 6 PM. called about 7PM and then vanished. He was no longer employed at his work on Monday the 17th. I'm worried about him and I am trying to find him. Have some things of his to return.Please contact me if you know something-254-1817
my name is Donna . I lost a Larry Stamey he lived in Kapolei. He got sick and said he was going home to SC and he never wrote me again. I cant find him and im really upset. Can you help me at all. email or phd me at 209-541-0764
Larry has been located in Taylor,Texas. He is apparently well.Please do not contact me about him as he has been found. Thanks.
Stay clear of this Larry Stamey. He has a habit of just disappearing out of people's lives, tells lies, and cannot be trusted.
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