On my 0742 Spitting Cave check I found Buster doing 9 to 13 minute dives.
At 0852 I found Right Spot, newly hauled out at Sandy Beach . She was in exactly the same
Back at Makai Pier at 0930 I found that in addition to the above mentioned RI cast, Duke had hauled out at the right end of the beach.
At 1600 the Ultimate Posse Person, Colleen Heyer called from Diamond Head. The rest of you think you are volunteers..... HA !! We are all but mere mortals. How many of you can get a Monk Seal in your backyard ? Not only does this woman make the best signs EVER......... she managed to have Rocky stop by her backyard....NO ... REALLY...LITERALLY, I mean in her backyard !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Right Spot departed Sandy Beach of her own volition at 1921. I picked up the stuff and called it a day at 1930.
It's obvious the beach was just too too hot for the girl and she needed a nice safe shady spot to rest. Not to mention a cushy lawn and Auntie Colleen to look after her. Can we say that this is a very savvy seal?
Wow Colleen!!!!!!!!!! What an honor to have a Hawaiian Monk Seal in your very own yard. Rocky truly loves ya...your island..your kayak..your signs that protect her so she can snooze. And now, your yard, a safe haven for a tired female seal known as Rocky. That is beautiful, awesome. Take plenty photos Colleen...this is a National Geogarphic moment. Ya need a new sign...Rocky RH58 slept here!!!! He.He. I just love this whole story!!!!!!!!!!
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