The rising high tide finally drove Duke up into view at the far right end of the beach at 1100. He would remain there by himself, all day.
M38 arrived on the scene at 1204. He initially hauled out to check out Duke, but stayed only a couple of minutes, before continuing his cruiser male mode. He would swim back and forth on 2 1/2 trips before finally hauling out by himself at the left end of the beach near 1BS, where he spent the rest of the day.
His fellow cruiser male, RIP showed up at 1230, and he too did multiple trips back and forth the length of the beach. Each time he went by M38's location there was a little "talking" between them and posturing . It was all mouth, and neither really made an effort to get serious. RIP would ultimately haul out to join Mikala at the right end of the beach, at 1318.
At 1338, Sadie hauled out 80 ft right of 3BS. She would remain there the rest of the day. At 1430 RIP noticed her and moved over to join her. He was still there when I departed for the day.
My day came to a rather abrupt end when my Cadillac of a chair, from Sports Authority, complete with it's own awning, broke first one and then the other of the 2 cents per thousand plastic joints, sending the short, fat , bald guy to a rather unceremonious crash to the floor of the lanai. I choose to believe that it was the shoddy Chinese workmanship that was responsible for the scene. It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the giant butt that it holds 7 days a week..................couldn't it ??........nah !
I think the replacement chair should resemble some type of throne... and if all the volunteers have their way db going to end up with a tier of chairs... thats cuz we love our seal whisperer.
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