Duke would haul out at 0900 for a brief break at 3BS, only to reenter the water and not be seen again until he hauled out at the rubble beach at the right end of the island at 1021, where he remained the rest of the day.
Sadie would haul out at the right end of the island at 0928. She would have some peace and quiet for a while, but M38 was in her immediate future.
On a pan at 0841 I noticed that M38 was no longer at his left end location. At 0949 he and Mikala would haul out to 3BS. Once he spied Sadie off to the right he dropped Mikala like a hot rock, and beat flipper to join Sadie. Being the Mr. Congeniality that he is , he ran Sadie into the water, but she gave him the slip for a while, hauling out just a few minutes later. Ultimately he would find her again, and would spend the rest of the day in her company, though there was no interaction.
Shortly after M38's departure, Mikala would reenter the water and I observed her foraging for small prey items in the shallows at the right end of the beach. She would haul out to the right end of the Middle Cliff (MC) area at 1122, where she spent the rest of the day.
On a pan at 1134 I found Kolohe newly hauled out fronting 1BS. He would later move to the Middle Cliff (MC) area where he spent the rest of the day.
On a pan at 1304 I found a partially visible animal on the right end rocks, at 1st Cave,which is beyond the right end of the beach. It would take some time, but ultimately the animal turned just the right way , at just the right time at 1402 and I got the Buster ID. He would remain there the rest of the day.
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