Saturday, February 27, 2010

2/27/2010 Tsunami Saturday

As I was dealing with the sirens and preparing my plan to evacuate.... I thought about the seals and would they be okay... shortly after when I realized that there would be no one on the beaches or in the water... I thought HA!!! our beloved monk seals have a human free day.....  they get to frolic, forge and haul out without any pesky person bothering them....

Hmmm and I thought today was going to be a bad day.....! da blog lady.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

We have been through many Tsunami evacuations over 34 years out here. Yesterday was the first time, we've never taken our animals with us and it really was sad. But it was best, we had no plan on where to run to. We ended up with our belongings to Kapolei area for the next 8 plus hours. We kept busy at a restaraunt,talking, thinking of all the evacuations we'be done. It is never EASY! Its always spooky. Our family gathered together, listening to all the news coverage. We took scrabble, played cards, went for two walking sessions, ate and waited. Couldnt go seal searhcing until late afternoon. We found Benny alone, snoozing in the chili wind and rough waters. He begun his molt. I wanted to stay longer with him to protect him, but, it was late, we had all our lifes possessions in our car. We talked to this sweet 68 yr. old lady who was celebrating her birthday. She said she felt happy being with Benny, she felt SPECIAL and it was a gift from Nature she met him today. Rob and I gave her a hug. Wished her well. We all stood by, gazing at this creature, alone, molting..feeling lucky to be in his presence. It was a gift from was great!! For Rob and I and our family..we are greatful this day came and went without damage, without life taken away, we are all appreciative of our monk seal before us...Benny....RE74. So happy we can go home to our termite eatten house, and to our beloved animals. Phew...That is AWESOME. How blessed are we all!!!