They would both enter the water separately, but hauled out together at the far left end of the beach at 1138. Right behind them, at 1139 came Kawena (RH36). This marks the first observed socialization by Kawena with other seals. There was lots of interaction between her and RG32. RIP didn’t respond much. RG32 & Kawena entered the water to play at 1243. RIP entered the water at 1256. All three hauled out again at 1300.

At 0555 Team Billand reported Pohaku (RO28) at Paradise Cove.
At 0903 they found Kekoa (RK72) at Maili Point. RK36 was their next find at Maili Guard Rails at 0931.
At 1341 they reported RW02 at the 20Min mark on the west side KP Trail

Lets back up a bit. At 1105 the Billands called with the news that they were with Benny (RE74) at Makua Cliffs. The line was still visible. They contacted both NOAA and the Hotline. Mike & Brenda responded from NOAA. Benny’s location was made a capture impossible but Mike did manage to cut 12 ft of line from Benny thereby eliminating the entanglement hazard. He will still have to be capture again to deal with the hook situation. For both of today’s NOAA responds Thanks.... Ya’ Done Good !!! AND THAT'S HOW IT'S DONE !!! Thank you NOAA team and thank you Team Billand !!
Hook removed from Cass - nice to see it's a barbless hook! I was informed it wasn.t barbless.. thankyou Brenda for following up.
Ready... set.... GO! Great work NOAA Team
Love this shot... RG32 small critter.... Rip big dude... and Kawena little munchkin !
oh Benny when are you going to learn?
Thank you Brenda and Mike !
1 comment:
THANKS NOAA! Helping with TWO hooked seals. Hope benny's hook is not a big bumbucha one, and that he can toss it himself.
Missed Pohaku, Kekoa and K36 critters.
WOW, life is never dull in the MONK SEAL WORLD. THESE SEALS GO THROUGH ALOT more than we all know.
BENNY!!! Whats wrong with him getting hooked again????
Hope today is a PERFECT DAY and he is found and dehooked so he can....SURVIVE!!!
DB's watchful eyes got help for RG32...from 1/8 mile away. GOD BLESS you all.
Come on benny, land on SAND...PLEASE.
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