At 0745 I arrived at Makai Pier and simultaneously got a call from HFD, reporting a reported injured seal at Keaau’s on the west side. They had called the Hotline but because it was a recording at that hour, they continued down their response list, calling me and also the Billands. I assured them that they had done the proper thing and that the Hotline would respond to their message. The Billands responded at confirmed that it was R8HE, and advised that she seemed to have a small, wound near er LFF. They notified both the Hotline and called NOAA. Stacey took advantage of the haul out and responded to give R8HE antibiotics. Afterward, according to Team Billand she swam back to her Makau St site in Makaha.

On the Rabbit Island front, at 0745 I found Kekoa (RK72), 20%molted , snoozin’ in the Morning Glory fronting 1BS. He would move down for the day.
On a routine pan at 0945 I happened on to a tiny little creature just hauling out 100 ft left of 2BS, fronting large Naupaka bushes. It was Kawena (RH36). She made a beeline for the Naupaka and remained there the rest of the day.
At 1050 Kainoa (RN04) hauled out to join Kekoa fronting 1BS. They interacted only briefly and then settled down to snooze away the day.
At 0710 Team Billand found RW02 at Makua Cliffs, but he quickly moved on.

Marilyn , who was on her way to the Ka’ena Point trail head, found him between the guard shack and the bathrooms at Yokes, at 0753. The Billands were already nearly there. Marilyn was doing Ka’ena Point from the west side today, per the Seal Count plan. Lesley meanwhile was going in via the north side route. A Lesley text at 0837 advised that she had found BG (R303) at 10 minute beach.
At about the 15Min mark Marilyn found RL42. At Ka’ena Point, Ka’ale (RH32) was the only reported find.
On her way out she found Ka’ena (RO40) at the 20Min mark, at 1158.
Kainoa and Kekoa
RW02 at Yokes
1 comment:
Thankfully, a homeless lady saw R8HE at 7:00 a.m. when she woke up. She said the seal was not there before they went to sleep the night before. She thought the seal was dying so she called the police department who called the fire department. When I arrived and saw R8HE amd her back injury drying out,she made some movement, but then saw a wound to the upper side of left fore flipper, which was not looking attached to the big back wound. Called in again to notify about that wound. Was so happy Stacey from NOAA was on her way with antibiotics. Hoping she heals each day. Grateful to all who are helping watch out for and help this seal.
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