At 1032 Kawena (RH36) hauled out to join the boyz. She came up nearer Kolohe, so Kekoa , half heartedly began to move toward her. Kolohe immediately took up a blocking position & they had a few words. Kekoa didn’t seem to have his heart in it, probably because of his molt.
Marilyn combed the SE Quadrant, AD to Portlock but was skunked. Thank you for the miles !

At 1224 Barbara reported RL42 at the 40Min mark as she started for Ka’ena Pt.
At Ka’ena Point she found Kerby (RW08).
A Colleen text advised that she had received word of somebody at Outrigger, but was on relatives duty and could not respond. No further word so far.
Kekoa and Kolohe
Kekoa, Kolohe and Kawena
R8HE and Rw02
Guess she telling him a thing or two
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It was a huge relief to find R8HE again, but, she was in the company of RW02. I was a bit worried if he would hurt her. He did CHECK HER OUT, he did SNIFF her out, but for the entire day, RW02 was a GENTELMEN. He slept apart of her as if he knew she was in no MOOD FOR NOTHING.
I did call HOTLINE, Aliza, and whoever else needed to know that the seal was on LAND and with a MALE.
I still cant believe how males can be so vicious and hurt this lovely lady, R8HE.
In the late afternoon, after my Kaena Pt Trek, we checked on the couple once more before ending our day. Both seals were facing the ocean and were ready to head out.
There were humans boogie boarding, swimming, yelling, making loud sounds like a seal but all was ok.
I did see a lay net being pulled out of water to the right. That freaked me out and I only knew it was there because the MEN WERE YELLING: BRING THE TUBE NOW!! As they pulled the net out, there were TONS OF FISH, INCREDIBLE. And at around 4ish, they layed the net AGAIN.
Yesterday, I want to say, R8HE was trying very hard to move, but she was having a hard time undulating her body, it was like: I can do this, I need to move away from the waters edge.
She would move her head, right left, right left over and over and over till she got her whole body to move. It was like she was trembling, quivering, but she was determined to move up. Her determination was inspiring and I wanted to CHEER FOR HER. It was like a wounded DOG, limping. RW02 was watching her every move. BUT STILL RESPECTABLE, he too moved up with her.
Melina arrived around 4:15...so we left, feeling happy for R8HE...we think she will be OK. Her wounds were drying out with the blazing hot sun and the wind blowing. The wound on her shoulder area, looks lumpy, and yellow in color. I also saw a hole on right side, almost like a cookie cutter bite..healing as well.
So many times, we want to walk away from this seal world, but when you see this seal injured, who keeps trying to SURVIVE...THEY INSPIRE US, NOT HUMANS. THEY SUFFER and we suffer along with them. They teach us, keep us informed of their lives on shore, we see all what they have to go through in each and every day. THEY ARE REMARKABLE SOULS and its a pleasure to meet them all. I wish I knew more about her, whose her mama, what island she came from, HOW OLD IS SHE.
R8HE will have a massive scar, same as Makaiwi R4DF, same as RK28, who done that to them? All three females are in our minds and we wish them well...a safer journey and NOT TO GO WHERE EVER THOSE MALES ARE.
God Bless Hawaiian Monk Seals...they are truly extraordinary creatures.
OH AND PRAYERS TO Benny RE74 and Miss Cass....AMEN.
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