At 0750 I found a 98% molted Kekoa (RK72) at 3BS, and the same unknown J/M from yesterday at Seal Rock Inlet on Rabbit Island. Kekoa would relocate in the afternoon to join the J/M.
On a pan at 1000 I found that Kawena (RH36) had arrived during a rain episode, and was now snoozin’ just below the Morning Glory, fronting 1BS. They would remain today’s RI cast.
At 0834 Team Billand reported Pohaku (RO28) at Tracks.
At 1046 they found Benny (RE74) at Paradise Cove.

A Colleen text at 1350 advised that she had Kaiwi (RK96) just a coupla’ doors down from her house , at Diamond Head. Ever since Kaiwi began this post pardum behavior essentially galumphing in Rocky’s flipper steps, DH, OCC, Kaimana, I’ve been thinking that they must have talked. If Kaiwi were to actually haul out in Colleen’s backyard as Rocky did several years ago, then I’ll know somethin’s up. Colleen advised that Kaiwi departed at 1530.
* some people have stray cats show up at their door.... or even a dog... Colleen, well she has monk seals coming to visit.

On her way to Ka’ena Point , on the west side trail, Barbara reported Ka’ale (RH32) at 1310. When Barbara got to the point, she found that Ka’ale gotten there ahead of her and was now at the point. She also found Ka’ena(RO40) & Kerby(RW08).
Colleen forwarded a shot of a female weaner, taken by a friend last Wednesday, somewhere in the wilds of Waimanalo.
Friend, Rich stated that he had seen a “mom & baby”, but the shot shows only a female weaner. My gut reaction, because of the proximity to Rabbit Island, was that it was Kawena since she has been in the area.

Diane G., rightly brought up the thought that it could in fact be Lei Ola since she hasn’t been seen in 12 days, and that got me to thinking that it could just as well be Kala, whom I haven’t seen since August. Bottom line is that it’s a really cute female weaner, and my remaining question is who was the other animal, since a “mom” is ruled out ????
Kekoa and J/M
Unknown Weaner.... cute... maybe when weaners are tagged they should put a color of sort on their heads (like they do at the marine mammal center) so you know who is who... since little ones' (except Kea have very little markings)
Ka'ena and Ka'ale
Ka'ena and Kerby
live action !!
Mr. Blue pants and Mr. Blue hair - you're too close !!
and this is why little weaners get themselves transported to far away places