Well on thursday the Molokai Seal Team was alerted to KP's satellite activity on the east end of the island. A number of dedicated volunteers ventured out searching high and low for the little bugger and came up with nothing. So all the volunteers went home (disappointed) and hoping that he'd be found another day.
Well, low and behold he has been found in a very unique place--the wharf at Kaunakakai. Yep, he found himself a cozy little piece of concrete and he has been there since 9 p.m. Thursday evening. We were alerted to his whereabouts by the Molokai POLICE!!!! It's 9 p.m. on Thursday night--"Do you know where your Monk Seal IS???"Diane and I responded to his need for BOND and got him cordoned off and under strict observation. He has been under direct supervision since the call. During thursday evening KP was visited by the police a number of times checking on him. By the time Diane and I got there Friday a.m. he was one pooped monk seal. KP slept most of the morning only stirring to stretch or take care of business!
Lots of folks have come by to observe the little bugger--even the mayor of Molokai (in fact he has stopped by twice)The volunteers were busy giving folks information about KP and all were excited to see him. Well all most all, except for the fellow that does his morning walk around the area where KP was cordoned off. That fellow didn't like that he had to change his walking route. Oh well. KP was observed by many tourists and alot of kids, even a couple cute girls from Wisconsin.
As I close this report, KP is still at the wharf at Kaunakakai.
The volunteers continue to monitor his activities. So we'll let you know what happens tomorrow. Here are a couple photos of the little jail bird!!
P.S. don't worry ALL the appropriate authorities have been contacted and he is in good hands. fondly, val bloy--Molokai Monk Seal Volunteer

Maybe he's missing his wire fence and pen? Sorry, I know that's NOT what anyone wants to hear. He surely is cute and performs!
I think our little boy is still learning the ways of the wild. He probably has tired himself with all that swimming. I just hope he is eating and staying out of harms way.
We I had the funds to scoot over and help out for the day!
Send MORE pictures!
That would be WISH I had the funds....
KP2, please go in the water right this minute!!! Do not befriend any human!! Find your own kind,then you can stay in the wild. Trust me baby, run and dont stop. Please hear my pleas!!! Cause the boogie man, will take you away. God, are you on vacation, if not, help KP!!!!
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