Just as I was about to check Palm Grove, my phone rang, and posse member , Ethel, at Hanauma Bay, called to report that "Ewa Girl" was just hauling out to her usual left side rock flats at Hanauma Bay. After uttering a string of the usual 3, 4 , and 5 letter words, I humped back to my car and began the 66 mile trek back to civilization. When I arrive at Hanauma Bay, I found that it was not Ewa Girl, but was , in fact, Rocky !
When I got back to the pier and checked Rabbit Island I found that a cast of 4 critters were now there, at the left end of the island. What would prove to be RIP, and Sadie were on the beach front incline at the left end of the beach, and R301 and RB08 70 ft left of the 1st Blue Sign (1BS). At 1655 first Sadie and then RIP moved up and interactions between all the animals allow me to get all the ID's. Though the action was just beginning, I departed the pier at 1700, due to a long hard day, failing lighting, and nuisance misty rain. Aloha, DB
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