Ultimately if this blog provides a place in which we can get updates on the animals we have cared for, or to be able to see that Mojo disappeared from Rabbit Island and pops up in Molokai, well I consider it a success.
In the end I created this blog to stay involved, but it is not "MY" blog it belongs to all of us, I am just the gatekeeper. I hope we can continue with such success and caring as we have in the past year. Mahalo, donna
I also want to thank all the folks over in NOAA, who without them I would not be involved with many of the opportunities I have been given. Thank you David, Tracey, Charles... and all of the NOAA family!
If you would like to sign up and become a volunteer go to: http://www.monkseal.org/
Happy Anniversary to my favor "blog lady" ! I miss Chester, every day of my life, but bringing Donna Festa to me,may well have been his greatest legacy, Love, DB
Congratulations on your 1 year. Yes, indeed this blog and the folks on it have increased my knowledge of the beloved monk seal. Thanks to all that share and venture out everyday to monitor our "kids" This blog is always one of the first spots I check every morning. So again, I give great thanks and please keep up the important work. fondly, val bloy-Molokai
Hey Blog Lady! It is my pleasure in wishing you A Happy First!! When I cant sleep, I go to your Blog. If I got something on my mind I go to the blog. And when I have an exciting story...I cant wait to share. Thank you for giving us Sealians the opportunity of sharing our joys, our sorrows, our adventures. You da bestest ever, know we love you and we send our Bear hugs, real tight. MonkSealMania.blogspot.com...You Rock!!!! You hold so much information..we all learn something each day. And DB TV keeps us informed of all the kids. Mahalo DF.
I forgot to mention one last thing. Because of this site,we met and walked the trek on Molokai with the Bloys and Diane Pike. It is an adventure we hold dear to our hearts. With Love Honor Respect and Appreciation for a really cool Lady...Donna Festa!! Happy First!!!!!!!!!
Donna when I met you nearly a year ago I had no idea my involvement would become such a part of my life. I'm so lucky to have had you as a partner with Hoku those first days of actually doing something for these animals, even though the joy was all mine. The power of the blog also helps others to know what is going on and will hopefully make the world and especially Hawaii aware of the importance in saving these wonderful creatures. Thanks for the training and always uplifting help and advise.
Congratulations on the year mark, Donna! Many thanks to you and all contributors for keeping us informed, updated and also amused. :)
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