At 0803 when I got to Spitting Cave, I found Buster, for the 2nd day, doing 6 minute dives to the right of the big rock.
The Billands reported an animal at Maili Beach at 1017 . Photos confirm a 2AU ID.
Team Billand called again at 1400 to report Kermit fronting the snack bar at White Plains.
I found voice mail from posse member Rachel this morning at 0630 , reporting that Rocky was on the beach behind Colleen's house at Diamond Head as of 1730 last night. A morning conversation with Colleen confirmed the haul out, and the fact that Rocky was no longer there.
The biggy news of the day began with my finding an email from Diane Pike this morning, advising that she had been contacted by Molokai police last night at 2100, reporting an animal near the "ice house" in Kaunakakai. Since my last trip to Molokai was 30+ years ago, I must confess no knowledge of the geography. Diane and the Bloys got him cordoned off, and as of "middayish" he was still there. Val Bloy will, very probably, be posting something on da' blog to update us all on the latest. Aloha, DB
1 comment:
Wow!!!!!!!! Why KP2 sits all this time at that Harbor Ice House, is unknown to me. Maybe to keep warm in these really chilly days? I hope the kid is ok, he looks skinny but ok. He is certainly drawing attention, giving the public an education of this old fossil, living in a modern world. Good job to all the volunteers out at Molokai, keeping guard on our sweet kid...KP2!! Live long sweetheart! We appreciate all your work guys!!!!!!!!! Wish I was there too!!!!!!!!!
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