Rabbit Island proved to be a tad busier than the last few days. Buster had the left end all to himself, and for a while there Sadie and R301 were cruisin' and snoozin' quietly at the right end near 3BS. Quietly that is until RIP came on the scene at 1052. He and R301 immediately began sparring, resulting in RIP getting the preferred location, tucked in close to the lovely Sadie, while R301 was moved off to the wings, 15 ft to the side. Once all that was sorted out, there was no further interaction.
Team Billand had a typical day, first reporting Kermit at the Wind Sock, Kalaeloa B
each, and then Benny at the Palm Grove, Campbell Industrial Park. While there Barbara saw another animal hauling out further down the beach near the Feed Lot, and huffed and puffed down there, fully expecting to see M&M, but Tadaaaa !.... it turned out to be Irma instead !
Tracy called to let me know that she had been getting multiple calls about an animal swimming off shore , ranging from LG stand 2F to 2D in Waikiki. The animal never hauled out, but my Monachus gene is whispering to be to put a dollar on Rocky in the pool. She may well be coming back from her latest SW quadrant adventure. This is classic Rocky behavior and it will be interesting to see if the Diamond Head posse has Rocky in their backyard tomorrow. We shall see. Aloha, DB

RIP, Sadie & R301

RIP, Sadie & R301

RIP, Sadie & R301
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