Thursday, November 4, 2010

11/4/2010 DB Dailies

At 0655, from the Makapuu Overview, I found RIP snoozin' in the grass at 3BS on Rabbit Island. When I got to Makai Pier at 0701 Mojo at 1BS, and Duke in the grass behind Seal Rock Inlet were added to the cast.

At 1227 Buster hauled out to join Duke. There was some minimal nuisance nuzzling but both quickly settled down to snooze mode. All remained there the rest of the day.

Team Billand are on their way to Vegas, but called at 0711 to say that one of their posse had reported an animal a White Plains. Dana Jones confirmed the Irma ID at 1118.  Ah we're going to miss you two... Win some money...!  Come home safe....!

For those of you who knew and loved Chester, or whose Monk Seal Volunteer careers began with Chester in Kailua, check the blog in the morning. Tracy has some interesting news.

  Buster and Duke

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