Friday, January 15, 2010

1/14/2010 Monk Moments

Aloha Blog Lady,
Presenting......"Monks Moment"

New Name:
The new Molokai Seal has been named---He will be called "Monk" No tags or bleaches yet, we have to leave that to the NOAA Field Staff.
Seal Identification:
Many thanks to Barbara for finding those 2 new seals on Oahu yesterday, it appears we have an explosion of seals on our hands. Now I know at first glance, these seals appear to be the same, but...they are not. The volunteers that observe these guys everyday know to look for specific markers to identify the seal. Some of these markers would be tags, bleach marks, or other marks such as scars or possible deformities. Now the "Seal Whisperer" knows these guys so well, he can often tell who they are by their behaviors or even by their galumphing.
So when you spot a monk seal be sure to take time to look at the WHOLE seal. They really are all unique....
Please report all seal sightings to 808-220-7802 or your island coordinator.

That's today's "Monk Moment"..............till next time


1 comment:

Barbara said...

Oh that is a great name chosen..Monk. You are exactly right..each seal is unique, each seal a different personality, yep, personality. If ya spend time with them, you learn alot. I think MONK will be excellent for all...looking forward to the next MONK MOMENT. He.He.Ha.Ha. This is fun!!