On a pan at 0941 I found that Kainoa (RN045) had hauled out to the left end rock flats on RI. I immediately notified NOAA, and the team responded.
The response was to retrieve Kainoa’s transmitter/camera, but for me the more important thing was to get an ID on the J/M. At 1314 Mark Sullivan came thru with the RG32 ID. I’ve always contended that the J/M was RG32 but I just couldn’t prove it. Finally !!!!!

Team Billand checked in at 0537 with the report of Benny (RE74), once again at Secrets.
At 0805 they reported RW02 at Nanakai. At 1345 he would be joined by RIP (RR70).
At 1013 Team Billand reported Kolohe (RW22) & Kekoa (RK72) at Maili. They would be joined by RN14 at 1413.
At 1055 the Billands found Pohaku (RO28) at Aki’s Beach, Makaha.
RG32 you little bugga... you had DB stumped.... although his whisperer instincts were right as usual.
Team NOAA heading out to Rabbit Island to retrieve some equipment
well they got part of the equipment
he looks so calm and peaceful when he's sleeping
Rip and RW02
Kolohe and RN14
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