It was shaping up to be yet another nobody/nowhere day, but at 1109 posse member Linda saved the day when she called with the report of Kaiwi (RK96) at Kokee Flats. When I arrived at 1133 I confirmed the Kaiwi ID.
Team Billand called at 0603 with the report of Pohaku (RO28) at Paradise Cove.

At 0720 the Billands advised that 4 animals were swimming in the area off shore of Nanakai. At 0800 they reported that Kerby(RW08),Kekoa(RK72),RN14& Kolohe(RW22) hauled out to Nanakai. Kolohe would depart at 0819. At 1136 the Billands advised that RK36 had joined the boyz at Nanakai.
At 1056 Team Billand found Kolohe (RW22) & Ka’ale (RH32) together at Maili.
Kekoa and RN14
Kekoa, Kerby, RN14 and Kolohe
RN14 and Kolohe
RN14, Kekoa and Kerby
RK36 and RN14
RK36 and RW02
RW02, RK36, Kekoa and RN14
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