The 2 Bad Guys landed at 1035 and though not close to the animal , their presence was enough to get the animal to enter the water. I followed the swimming head, and it moved toward Rock Right Beach, and at 1059 it hauled out, but behind water front rocks where it remained the rest of the day. Maybe tomorrow ????? To their credit one of the Bad Guys walked down to read the giant blue sign, and they departed shortly thereafter, but the damage had already been done.

By Far, the highlight of the day began with a call from Marilyn, at 0932, advising that she was with Kawena (RH36) & Mama Kaiwi (RK96) at Spitting Cave. That is about as warm and fuzzy as it gets ! This is a first on a coupla’ levels. Firstly, it is the first time Kawena has been seen in Maunalua Bay, and secondly it marks the first time that Kawena and mama Kaiwi have been documented together since weaning.
At 1136 Marilyn would find and report Kaiwi snoozin’ at Irma’s Grotto, Kokee Flats.

At 0907 they reported Kekoa at Maili Point.
Posse member Diane T. sent a text at 1403 advising that she had seen R5AY at Hauula.
Bad Guys
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