Friday, January 6, 2017

1/6/2017 DB's Dailies: Kea,RM38&J/M@Rabbit Island, Kawena@Makai Pier&Kaupo Beach Park, Pohaku&RIP@Campbell Industrial Park, Kerby@Maili Pt, & RL42@20Min,

At 0743 I arrived at Makai Pier to find what would prove to be Kea (RN46), RM38& the J/M, Unknown just hauling out fronting 1BS, on Rabbit Island.

 RI observation were halted for a bit when fisherman posse member Bonzo came to tell my N36 was swimming under the pier. Sure enough there she was slowing wending her way around the pilings. The episode was less than 5 minutes, but its always great to get up close and personal at the pier.

 I went back to RI observations, checking the pier every once in a while just to be safe. It was while doing said checks at 1036 that I panned down to look at Kaupo Beach Park, and saw one of those things you are always on the look out for. Too many people with cameras along the shoreline, looking at something in the water. A millisecond later I spied had gotten their attention. It was Kawena cruising the main tide pool. She spent the day doing that, never really hauling out, but she did find a shallow spot against the finger of rocks that form the right side of the pool, to rest. An HMMA volunteer was on the scene.

 Team Billand reported Pohaku (RO28) and RIP (RR70) foraging at Campbell Industrial Park.

 At 1009 they found Kerby (RW08) at Maili Point. At 1146 Barbara reported RL42 at the 20Min mark on the west side KP trail.
Kawena at Kaupo Beach 
 Kawena  at Makai Pier
Kea, RM38 and JM
 RM38, Kea and JM
 Seals and Bad Guys
 Kea JM and RM38

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