On a routine pan , at 0959 I became aware of an U/U out on the left end flats. I was never able to get an ID on this animal. I did see red tags, and just the fringes of what might have been a juvenile ventral side, but conditions and lack of movement made an ID impossible.
In conversations with the Billands on the west side and Cianna on the North Shore , it sounded pretty crappy everywhere.
At 1120 they reported Pohaku (RO28) at Guard Rails Beach.
At 1236 the Billands called to advise that they had gotten a call from Iroquois Point Security reporting an animal there. They called Clay...Clay called Vera... and Vera called me with confirmation of Rocky (RH58).
Team Billand reported Benny (RE74) at Maili Pt, at 1755.
Zeeny sent shots of Temp 412 (N32) at what appears to be Guard Rails Beach yesterday. As previously reported guys got too close to her and one of them hit her with rocks. Shots show some blood on her hind flipper on departure, probably having nothing to do with the encounter. The critters are always getting their flippers dinged.
Temp 412 N32
Ouch... some cuts to the tail? Scratched on the rough edges?
a mug only a mother could love.... (kidding Benny we all love ya)
the little model
look up in the sky!
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