Ocean Safety called at 1527 reporting an animal just hauling out at Nanakuli Beach Park. The Billands confirmed Benny (RE74) at 1600.
Speaking of old news, Dera sent shots of chubby Sadie (RB12) on her recent visit to Moku Nui, on 1-8/9-13. Thanks to Bob Twogood and his kayak crew, and of course Donna.
R5AY putting on some weight... I am SURE this photo is a relief to many... I know many of the folks who were on the front line taking care of her, must be feeling pretty darn good. Personally I want to thank you all, from the good doctor, NOAA folks and of course the dedicated volunteers that have been able to put all that great training to use.!! This momma is very special to so many of us for many different reason, but she is MOST special for turning out some very tough offspring!
Sadie Sadie, chubby lady.... where oh where will you deliver?
I hope you go home to Rabbit Island ....
and do not - I repeat DO NOT even consider birthing on the mokes... no no nada nyet no way!
Maka'iwi - LOOK no cavities!
she's molting.... going to look real purdy soon
doing some crunches to stay in shape
fluffing up her sand pillow
Benny at Nanakuli
will never get use to seeing tire tracks in the sand, with a seal laying across....
dumb question.... is this allowed?
M+M sleeping beauty
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