At 1226 I found Nani (RK60) just hauling out fronting 1BS.
At 1243 Buster (RV08) showed up and hauled out to join Nani. All remained the rest of the day.
Team Billand reported Kermit (R012) and Makaiwi (R4DF) together fronting #1707, White Plains.
Donna checked in at 1300 to advise that her kayak posse had reported an animal on the Mokes when they arrived at 1200. Awaiting further word. Never heard anything more... I will follow up on Tuesday.
At 1310 Dera called with the report of RI37 in Laie. Photo confirmation received.
The Billands checked in again at 1545 to advise that Clay Gates had called to report "N11", Rocky (RH58) at Iroquois Point.
Dana called at 1719 to report 2AW at Lualualei Beach Park. He appears to have begun his molt.
R5AY's travels for the last 5 days... hmmm wonder why we can't find her... she's hiding in the mountains.... obviously a little glitch in the tracking data... unless there are some underground tunnels...
Buster and Nani
Buster, Nani and Kaiwi
RI37 @ Laie
Ka'ena and Noa
I had the good fortune of meeting Kimo this evening.... after his long trek out to Ka'ena Point he went for some pizza and popped into the Lanikai General Store.... I was thrilled he introduced himself.. .ALWAYS good to put the face with the name and to personally say thank you.
Ka'ena Noa and a Rainbow!
Rocky at Iroquois
2AW at Lualualei Beach
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