Team Billand checked in at 0622 to advise that Makaiwi (R4DF) was at #1707, and Benny (RE74) at #1708, White Plains. They reported Benny's departure at 0627. Makaiwi is 100% molted.
At 0635 the Billands reported Pohaku (RO28) at Secrets, KoOlina.
Vera Cober called at 0727 to advise that Rocky (RH58) was at Iroquois Point. She was the animal that Clay Gates had reported in the dark last night, and apparently overnighted.
Team Billand called at 1354 to report Kermit (R012) fronting #1806 Nimitz Cottages.
Afternoon email from Dera brought news that Hannah had reported and documented RI37 at Sunset Beach today.
The Billands reported M&M (R020) hauling out to #1707 , WP, at 1801.
Buster @ Rabbit Island
RI37 in the rain
Rocky @ Iroquois
Kermit at Nimitz
This has to be the CUTEST picture of Kermit EVER. Look at that face.
MM hauling her big momma butt out of the water
okay girl where you going to have your baby this year?
Awww Maka'iwi barely awake
Look at her new coat
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