At 0628 , from MO I found Duke , once again at the right end of the Middle Cliff area, on Rabbit Island. He would remain there all day. His D#7 molt is 25%.
At 1000 I found that Buster had joined the Rabbit Island cast, at the far left end of the beach. He too would remain all day. Since it was a cool, windy , cloudy day it was perfect snoozin' weather and that is exactly what the boys did.
Team Billand had yet another busy little day on their hands. At 0643 they found Irma snoozin' at the Snack Bar at White Plains. She would thankfully depart at 1130. An HPD call at 1800 confirmed that N3, (Irma) hauled out to Oneula Place, Ewa Beach.
At 0918 they would report 2AW at Electric Beach. He would depart shortly after they found him.

At 1000 Team Billand reported Makaiwi fronting #1705 at the Nimitz Cottages. Between 1020 and 1035 they had a bit of excitement when they found , and reported a lay net near Makaiwi's location, with another seal investigating the net. Cottage residents ,beach goers and ( Reid/Reed), the maintenance guy (and the Billands of course) were all yelling to the guys to get the net out of the water, which they did. Team Billand called everybody but Barack apparently, and lo and behold DOCARE actually showed up, getting the guys just as they were attempting to depart. Even though cottage residents saw them laying the net at around 0600, the guys told DOCARE that "they found the net in the water ". They deserve life without parole just for using the net, and an equal sentence for being such crappy liars !!! DOCARE confiscated the net. It's too bad we don't have Frank Fasi Good Guy Awards anymore. The Billands living room should be covered in them !!!
Diane Gabriel checked in at 1236 to advise that Ua Malie was once again in the TB area again today, and that no line or hook was visible. She also reported tha R5AY was once again in the Stables area of TB. I looked up the numbers, and today is 59 days since she weaned the pup, so I've got a mean feeling that a molt is in her immediate future.
Ua Malie practicing Maka'iwi poses
Ua Malie wake up... yo momma is up the way.... wake up and go find her
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