I found Buster at Spitting Cave, doing 14 minute dives. This is a new SC observed dive time record . Ewa Girl held the previous record at 13 minutes.
Team Billand checked in at 1006 to report Irma , once again, at White Plains. She departed at 1650.
Dera called at 1446 with the report of an animal at Shark's Cove. It was reported to have red tags. An evening email from Tracy brought word that they critter was RI37.
Right Spot showing of her white spot
big white spot... seal shadows?
How close where you when you took these pictures? If you used a zoom lens what kind of camera and what type of lens. I just thought you weren't suppose to get too close to the seals?
Since the majority of these photos are taken by dedicated trained volunteers they ALL know not to get close to a seal. I can not say exactly which camera took which photo, but I know using a lens that is a minium 10x OPTICAL zoom will give you some decent results.
Thank you for asking and GOOD point about getting to close to the seals. Guidelines say it should be 150 ft. There are some cases where there isn't enough beach or it is too crowded for that amount of space...
da blog lady
I am not a professional photographer, I just love taking photos of seals. They are precious critters that I so love being with. I have a very simple digital camera, with a fantastic ZOOM lence, and no fancy attachments. I never stand close to a seal, always behind the barriers. Try it yourself...get a simple digital camera and get out there and take photos...its fun. Absorb the beauty, learn their behaviors, feel their spirit. My husband and I are honored to have met all our Oahu Critters...some Molokai Critters too. Each one is so very precious...I hope they remain on earth forever. Each Hawaiian Monk Seal, melts our hearts whenever we find them.
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