Saturday, August 10, 2013

8-10-2013 R912 & New Born Late Entry

Aloha Good People
Here's a series of some fantastic shots from Kimo who was out at the site on Friday.... Clearly the little one still has it's ambilical cord attached.... Looks like R912 is a good Momma too!  Please contact Dana Jones for getting on the pupping schedule, as trained volunteers are needed to help out.

 good to see the little one nursing
 hmmm, i might need some talc to control the odor
 nothing like nuzzles from a baby
 whew finally taking a nap
 little birdie that not a worm!
 today's letter is C.... no O..... maybe a Q
 Whoa nellie what the hell just happened.... It felt like the sky whacked me on my head
 it's exhausting being this cute
 Maaaa I have a little problem
 Maaaa... I tied in a knot!
 Okay that's a little better
 (WE KNOW VOLUNTEERS WERE AT THE SITE IN THE MORNING.... Pup is not tangled no need to worry).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great Job Kimo! Mahalo for the amazing photos. I can't get up there so its so much fun looking at your photos.