At 0712 I found Irma (R010)
just hauling out to Makapuu Beach. I got her cordoned off, and she has remained
all day.
I got a
call from a fisherman posse member at 1236 reporting an animal in the water at
the Kaiser Estate dock at the Kokee Flats. I arrived to find a very high tide
with no possibility of a haul out, but I did see a piece of camera/phone video
showing an U/U , adult sized animal returning to the water. The footage has no
ID value. I checked China Walls, and Spitting Cave also but never found anybody.
I'd put my dollar on Rocky, but ????????
At 0855 They found Noa
(R6FI) and R018 together at Maili Point.
At 1018
they reported 2AW at Lualualei BP. Thanks to DOCARE
Officer Keawe who went above and beyond, protecting 2AW.
At 1512 Team Billand
reported Kermit (R012) fronting #1944, at White Plains.
checked in at 1240 to advise that Reef Runway posse member Eileen had once again
reported Ewa Girl (RS00) , and son Kekoa (RK72) nose to nose at the birth beach,
Reef Runway.
Kaiwi @ Kaiwi Cove
hmmm maybe I should go for a swim
oh, I don't know... maybe i'll take a nap
aww I don't know what to do....!!!
I'll just stay put
or maybe not!
Big Momma Irma @ Makapuu
looks so peaceful!
Irma's shark marks...
2AW @ Lualalei Beach Park with officer Keawe
Thank you for looking out for our seals
2AW resting comfortably
Was there a reason DOCARE was called out, or were they just watching over until Team Billand arrived?
RO28 @ Paradise Cove
Noa and R018 @ Maili Point
sweet shot of the two of them hanging out
Kermit tanning his belly @ White Plains
Looks like he had some space today.... not going to be that way this weekend... Volunteers if you're interested and have time contact Dana Jones Response Coordinator @ sealonthebeach@gmail.com to help out this holiday weekend.
1 comment:
The officer was there as he saw the need to monitor the seal, due to humans out there. There are homeless, dogs, etc. We were with other animals and couldnt stay and I called out for volunteerss to help, but no one came. So Officer stood by and we are so very grateful for his help. One kid was gonna throw rocks at the seal and officer was right there to stop it. Awesome!!! We did make another last check, as officer had to move on. 5:30 2AW remained, but we had to leave and took our signs, lately someone stealing the signs and we were afraid if it would all disappear again. We also got help from HPD, how cool is THAT?????????
We also called for help at KoOlina Paradise Cove with sweet Pohaku. I think one volunteer went..Linda??? If so, thank you very much!!!
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