I arrived , at 0555 and
confirmed the Kaiwi ID. I noted that she had a small fish hook stuck in her
ventral side, upper chest, just left of the midline. I also noted a swollen left
eye, with at least one laceration below it, and blood stain on her snout.
It may or may not be related
, but posse member Teri called last night around 1800 to advise that Kaiwi, who
was at Spitting Cave, was now foraging directly below a group of fishermen at
the point. She observed them throwing items at her from their position, 50 ft
above her. She disappeared around the point afterward.
Billand reported Makaiwi (R4DF) at Hau Bush, Ewa Beach at 1032.
At 1353
the Billands found Kermit (R012) at Secret Beach, KoOlina.
At 1516
Kelly Girl Evans found Ua Malie (RT10) at High Rock, Kahuku.
Team Billand once again found Benny (RE74), Noa (R6FI),
and Kerby (RW@ Maili Point.
Poor Kaiwi having a really bad day; swollen eye and a small hook to her chest
NOAA PIFSC - Tracey, Sean and Mark
got the hook from her chest
and away she goes
Later in the day Kaiwi @ spitting cave with Kolohe
Benny @ Maili
Kerby and Noa
Sweet Maka'iwi @ Hau Bush
Kermit @ Secret Beach secretly tanning his bellie
1 comment:
IT is disturbing to see this beautiful seal hurt by humans again.What do these people want from these poor innocent creatures. Why cant they just let them be. How can anyone be so cruel?
My heart goes out to DB and all who been so deligently caring for Kaiwi all these months. How sad to see her, one eye shut, looks bruised even. WHY???
Now about Kermit at KoOlina..many thanks to Allen Resingger for keeping an eye out for him yesterday from 3 to 7:30pm. We had watched what was going on earlier in the day, guarded Kermit too. People at KoOlina need a good education so they can understand the Hawaiian Monk Seals and their needed rest. It is shocking to see all these people like two feet from the animal..spooky even. They just dont understand, WHAT COULD HAPPEN if they ARE THAT CLOSE!!!
And there are those who are so respectful, get what its all about. For those folks we are so grateful.
Throughout the day, each group of people arrive, start making seal lion sounds, whistle, call out..HEY SEAL??? Tsk. Tsk. After so many hours in the hot sun there at KoOlina, we just get so frustrated, WE CALL OUT FOR HELP!! Thanks Diane Gabriel for getting that help for us and our seals. You are appreciated too.
Through out the years at KoOlina, Kermit comes once in a while, Pohaku is a resident out there. Benny has had his stay too, along with R018, Makaiwi who got run off. Irma likes Paradise Cove where she was harassed. I37 like Paradise Cove as well, taking a spot right near the LUAU area with thousand people out there at times.
It is a beautiful area to bask in. Just thousands of tourists, locals come too, now and then DOGS..which we fear.
Security is always so nice..understanding and very helpful.
We need to get some kind of Short Movie for tourists to see..LEAVE THE SEALS BE. Dont ya think???? Yep I think that would help some.
Well, lets see which seal shows up again today...bet Pohaku. She owns the place.
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