was on the road at 0600, but it would be a call from posse member Kathy at 0940
that would bring the first critter into the game. She reported Kaiwi (RK96)
doing 6 minute dives fronting the ladder at Spitting Cave. When I got there at
1000 I could confirm the ID. She had not been there on my earlier SC check. At
1040 she appeared to move around the point, and I lost her. I was actually glad
to see her move since she had been right there in front of 5 Ulua fishermen with
10 poles. Not a healthy place for her.
On my 2nd look at Rabbit
Island at 1119 I found Buster (RV08) on the beach front incline, 50 ft left of
1BS. He would snooze until 1243 when he entered the water. I did not see him
again today.
Missus Whisperer (Marilyn)
checked in at 1105 with the report of Ka'ena (RO40) and Kerby (RW08) together,
plus an U/U alone at Ka'ena Point. She would called again at 1218 to advise that
the U/U had turned out to be R018, and that RIP (RR70) and Noa (R6FI) had now
joined the KP cast.

At 1228 Colleen Heyer called
to report Irma (R010) right next door to her house at Diamond Head.
At 1134 Glen Cober found
Kermit (R012) on the west side of the Nimitz Jetty.
At 1137 Dera called with the
report of an animal at Makaha. At 1212 Dana called to advise that volunteer
Debbie had reported the animals as having a female belly, and 1 & 1/2 tags.
At 1415 Dera advised that Debbie had reported the animal as having scars on the
right shoulder, and right side of head. All of that says Pohaku (RO28) to me.
Awaiting supporting photos.
At 1415
Dera reported another Makaha animal at a different location. At 1449 Dana called
to report that volunteer Debbie had reported a missing right fore flipper and a
right side shark bite scar. That sounds like T15M to me. Awaiting supporting
photos. Dana called at 1819 to advise that T15M had departed at 1645. Run off by
Team Billand checked in from
Las Vegas at 1213 with the report of "4DE" (Makaiwi) at LahiLahi Point. One of
their HPB posse members had called them. Awaiting further word.
Kaiwi @ Spitting Cave
Buster brown @ rabbit island
Kermit @ Nimitz
Kerbmister @ Ka'ena Point
Ka'ena @ Ka'ena Point
Best buds Ka'ena and Kerby
RIP, NOA & R018
Fin flapping fun
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