At 0715 I found Sadie up in the Morning Glory, 50 ft left of 1BS, on Rabbit Island. She would move down to cool off mid morning, and at 1129 was joined by Kolohe . There was light interaction, and both settled down to spend the rest of the day together. They were the only Rabbit Island residents today. I did a 1730 recheck, and they were still there.
As a simple statement of fact, it has been 6 days since I last saw Sam (RT30). There are many reasons why that might happen, and I remain optimistic, however there is a track record for RI youngsters that is less than desireable. As I said, I remain optimistic. Tomorrow is a new day.
(funny, i was just thinking this last night..... but also remembering how we were worried about Duke and he ended up swimming around the Mokes and then returned to Rabbit Island... we all keep our positive monk seal wishes going until we know Sam has been spotted safe and sound.)
At 1438, posse member Ethel called from Hanauma Bay to report an animal on the left side rock flats. When I arrived at 1450 I confirmed that it was Ewa Girl. Unfortunately, at 1519 two Bad Guys, who walked in along the Toilet Bowl ledge (it's Off Limits), came upon Ewa Girl. They initially stayed back, but just had to get close to get shots of each other. Ewa Girl barked and they backed off. Lifeguards got on the bullhorn to tell them to get away. They headed back on the ledge in a Toilet Bowl direction. Toilet Bowl has been Off Limits for some years now, so they had no business being there.
Dana called at 0840 to advise that Lona was once again on the beach behind the Mokuleia Polo Field.
Sadie and Kolohe
Ewa Girl
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