When I got back to Makai Pier at 0848, I found Buster at the left end, and Duke at the right end. They would both remain there all day.
I covered many a hectare today on my Makaiwi Quest, but alas I found nothing, in the SE quadrant.
Dana called at 1025 to advise that Ua Malie was on the Kahuku side of the point today. I had spoken earlier with Lesley, who was heading out for a day of Weaner sitting. She will no doubt have the usual excellent shots, so be sure and check da' blog in the morning.
Team Billand called at 1326 to report Rocky at Iroquois Point.
At 1430 they would find Kermit at Makaha, at the same location where he was with Irma and Benny the other day.
Ewa Girl
Sharkbite sure does like that lower pool... found him there last few times we were out at KP... you ladies figure out where we've been spotting RI37???
Hi, I do know exactly where I37 hides out. She just wasnt around on our visit. There were fishermen walking about in the area and divers. So..she is hiding out or moved on. They even set up tents on the lower area. I think we counted over 57 people out there. And you know how that goes, clapping at the seals, getting that shot they want of a seal in action.
Did you notice the hook in Kaena's left foreflipper? Marilyn and I saw it, with a 14 inch fishing line. Marilyn thinks its just superficial. He seemed just fine. I didnt see any more line around his body, but I just hate seeing any hook on any seal.
Yes, that Sharkbite seemed to like to just float about in the pool, kind of cute to see. He snored alot. And Kerby just lay in his little pool of water also, not once getting out to bask. It wasnt a good day for photos. And it was EXTRA HOT. But we had a great time talking seal and stuffs. So, you come from the Yokes side??? Same side as me..its so pretty, and I like to hear the whale sound from the lava tube..know what I mean? When the waves hit the spot, sometimes it will shoot a burst of water, cool to watch. I didnt know Kerby molted 100%, hadnt seen him in a while. Kaena is next, dont ya think, I mean he is Jolly Green Giant...he.he.
We didn't note that hook in Ka'ena's left flipper on Sunday, and just looked at our shots again... he was lying on his left side the entire time we watched him. We found him about 100 meters east of the upper pool this past weekend (a little further away from previous week)
I don't think I could be a monk seal because I can't hold my breath as long as Sharkbite.
Yup, mostly go the Yokes way. We might go in from the other side just so we can have a good excuse to stop in at Macky's Shrimp truck.
woot woot!
A bad day at Kaena Point beats the tar out of a good day at work... the whole experience is way too cool. (so to speak)
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