Db not home, we got home late....so, here is our only seal found today.
7:55am Found a large, newly molted seal on shore at Windsock. Upon observation, it was EWA GIRL!!!!! 1AP/1AO/S000....wow, we NEVER found her at this spot EVER!!!
Rob quickly put out the barrier, a large one as it's a weekend. There were the usual fishermen to the left of Ewa Girl. We put 200 feet of rope, 10 signs. We just got new ones too. Ewa Girl was about 100 feet from the road. We were going to search for more seals and return to Ewa Girl, BUT, Miss Girl, decided to leave.
I ran down to get a decent shot of ID, luckily, she stopped and looked, the shot I wanted...and then Miss Ewa Girl was ..... GONE. She just kept heading straight out to sea, never saw her at all again today.
Seal ya, B
Ewa Girl

Hi Donna, I have a boon to ask of you (a Daniel Boon(e). Since I already sent out the dailies, and since you have to add Team Billands stuff anyway, can you add one more thing for me ?
As I was wending my way to the airport I stopped to check on Irma, and lo and behold there she was, but now in the company of a short, green guy..........Benny ! He had left her at 1725 on the 20th, and the next morning at 0818 he hauled out at Nimitz Beach. Since then we had been Bennyless...... until now. He is back !!!
I just checked Sandy Beach at 2000, on the way back from the airport. They are still there. I picked up the rope, and left the signs.
See what happens when the mind dont shut down, you find another seal...Benny. That is so cool. Ah, that Benny aint giving up with Miss Irma...he is VERY PERSISTANT!! Guess he wants another kid, or Irma is really...GOOD!! He He..Great persistance on your part Seal WHisperer!!! You know seals, you know how they tic!! And that MONACHUS MIND Keeps ticking.....by the way I had to look up spelling of that word..MONACHUS.
Starts with an "M"
I knew that, but there were more letters to it....He. He.
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