At 0826 Team Billand reported 4DF at the Nimitz cottages.
At 1031 Team Billand advised that Dana Jones had gotten a hotline call about 2 animals having been seen in the vicinity of an abandoned net at the Hawaiian Princess Condo , in Makaha. Dana and the Billands responded. The net was located and DOCARE was requested to remove the net. A witness said he had seen the 2 animals swimming off to the west, so the Billands checked all the way to Yoke's and back....twice, but found nobody. Of course, there is no ID info at all on the pair, but my Monachus Gene is whispering Rocky & Buster. That is purely a guess on my part. The net was removed by DOCARE personnel at 1425. I'm told that William Aila actually arrived prior to that and swam out to set a yellow marker buoy for the DOCARE personnel. The guy is awesome. Ya' Done Good !!! Thank You to all concerned on the response.
Sooo... there I was, the dailies are pau and sent off, and a cold Gin & Tonic is sitting here beside me. At 1736 the phone rings ! Dana Jones...There's an N21 seal at the place they were by the Hilton. Off I went, arriving at the site at 1816. Unfortunately, Dana called at 1815 to say the animal had left. I spoke with the "permanent residents" in the parking lot, who had called the hotline, on the cell phone, and confirmed that it was in fact, Buster with the N21 on his left side. They people said that he had shown up this morning at around 1000, but couldn't haul out because everyone was standing on the shore line, so he departed. This evening he hauled out at 1700, and departed at 1815.
Remember that crack about my Monachus Gene telling me that the Makaha animals were probably Buster and Rocky ? Forget it ! The 1000 arrival of Buster in Waikiki takes care of that thought. Tomorrow ????????????
But...where's Irma?????
I have to apologize to DB for ruining his G&T moment. I tried, I really tried to get someone else to drop by Ali Wai. DB as always is the MAN and I'm sure Buster is sorry that he missed you and delayed your cocktail hour. BUT, he is on his way home to Daddy.
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