At 1156 Duke hauled out 100 ft right of 3BS. By that time RIP had relocated to that location. There was just brief , low level interaction, and both settled down to snooze mode.
At 1313, Buster briefly hauled out to Ewa Girl's location but stayed only briefly , having gotten "the eye" from Mom. He rolled back to the water and swam down to just off shore of RIP and Duke's location . He did not haul out. After a few head bobs he swam back to Ewa Girl's location, and the after a slow roll in the shore break, swam back to RIP and Duke's location. He summoned up enough guts to haul out and interact briefly with Duke, but got absolutely no feed back at all from Duke and departed again. RIP couldn't have cared less. I last saw Buster swimming out and to the left. I did not see him again today.
Team Billand called at 0654 with the report of Maka'iwi (MAKA E VEE) (4DF) fronting #1811, at Nimitz Beach. Her molt was at 60% today.
The Kenyon Expedition trekked off to the End of the World at Ka'ena Point today. They found only Ka'ena, but someone told them that there had been another animal there with Ka'ena, prior to their arrival. The only description was that it was smaller than Ka'ena and had "something red on the tail". My dollar is on Kerby, but ??????
Team Billand called at 1827 to advise that they had gotten a call from the Navy cops about an animal at Iroquois Pt. The responded but found that the animal was no longer at it's original location. They could see the critter in the no man's land behind the Shooting Range, but could get enter the area. They could rule out Irma by size, and suspected it was probably Rocky, but ????????
Buster, Ewa Girl and Pup
RIP, Buster and Duke
Sadie ( see yellow arrow)
Maka means eyes, iwi means bones. I was told that one can see the future in the bones and one can also see the past. I met this beautiful little girl with this name. I liked it. I met this little seal, she grew on me. The little girl has a spirit so beautiful just like the seal. I thought it would be a special name for a really beautiful green seal...And it is Makaiwi, not Makaiwa. I am sad you dont like it, I guess you can rename it if you want. I just thought it was nice.
For the record: I like it.
Beautiful name for a beautiful girl. I enjoyed spending a few hours with her yesterday. I see why you love this little girl.
You gotta know D was joking, as usual. She only likes the name 4DF because it has her initials in it.
Oh Barbara I am soooo sorry ... I love the name... Diane is right, I like 4DF because of my initials.. but the name is beautiful and MOST SPECIAL because now there is meaning behind it...
I never intended for you to think I didn't like it.. Your the best BARB!
Diane... I am a very serious person! NOT!
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