At 0848, M38 hauled out to the right of 3BS, and proceeded directly to Sadie. There was brief, low level interaction. M38 remained close to Sadie the rest of the day.
Team Billand checked in at 0946, reporting 4DF on the beach at Oneula Pl. in Ewa Beach. They had checked all other spots and found nothing. A witness at Oneula Pl said that 4DF had arrived about 0530 .
Tracy called at 1439, on her way back from a Ka'ena Point adventure. She found 6 animals, and bleached 2 and 1/2. At this point there is some doubt about a couple. She was on her way to Cholos to rehydrate the brain cells with a giant Margarita, and Mexican food. (hmmmmmmmm!!) . Photos may not be available until tomorrow. The definite ID's were Kerby, Ka'ena (with a new CC scar under his left fore flipper), and 2AW who now as a new left side only "N" bleach. Tracy was caught in the act, and that is all she got on him. Also a definite was our new male, CeeCee, who now has an N13 bleach (I forgot to get the location...sorry). Where are the walrus photos?? Aren't we suppose to get some shots of the unknow animal, or was that Irma?
She also saw the new animal with the left neck scars and believes it to be a female.
She saw and bleached with an N23 on the right side only (upside down), what she believed to be a female named BG, but she was unsure of the ID. Photos will be forthcoming though maybe not until tomorrow, so stay tuned.
M38 Sadie and Duke
Ewa Girl and pup
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