It was another windy, gray day for the RI cast. Perfect Monk Seal snoozin' weather. Ewa Girl continues to rot. On D#4 I'd guesstimate 35%. She looks like a train wreck. As she has done most days, she entered the water mid day for a feed, and I did not see her again today. The rest of the cast was Hoku at Left Greenery, and RIP at 3BS. Sadie showed up at 3BS at 1030.
Today was the first day that I did not see Kolohe, since the translocation. There are lots of places for a little, fat guy to hide out there, but it is a tad unnerving to not have seen him by end of day. Tomorrow is another day.
I got good news from Tracy today. M&M has in fact weaning her daughter at La'au Point on Molokai. Molokai people found the weaned put today. It appears to be a bit small, and was probably weaned early, but is said to be healthy. This bit of new adds credence to my ID of M&M at RI on 7-20-08
I found Irma at Spitting Cave this morning, doing consistent 7 minute dives. Aloha, DB

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