I'm sure the critters loved the cool , rainy day, but it was sure tough on the short, fat, bald guys. Rabbit Island was the only Monk Seal action I was aware of today. There were numerous rain episodes, with zero visibility, but in between the cast was as follows:
Kolohe and what would prove to be the subadult male, R301 were at the left end of the island. R301, was unrelenting in his herding of Kolohe to the water on two occasions, but by end of day, both were in snooze mode on Left Poin Beach (LPB)
Ewa Girl began the day at her usual 2BS hang out, but was gone when I came back to the Makai Pier (MP) at 1300.
Hoku spent the day by himself at Right Greenery (RG), and Kerby was also solo at the left end of the Middle Cliff area (LMC) . In the afternoon the little , green , female Sadie hauled out to 3BS. All were in snooze mode when I departe at 1600, just ahead of yet another rain episode. Aloha, DB

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