It was yet another 9 critter day on Rabbit Island. I think with the increased cast of weaners, this is going to become no biggy. Ewa Girl began her molt today, 44 days after weaning Kerby. By end of day she was a guesstimated 5% molted. She and R301 began the day together but he took off to play with Hoku, and she entered the water, probably to feed, and did not reappear until 1505.
RIP was at 3BS in the morning with what I know in my little, bald heart was M&M, but since I never saw a ventral side I can't state that as fact. Both animals departed in the morning and I did no see them again, although I did recheck Spitting Cave and Hanauma Bay in the afternoon, just in case. No luck!
The cast was rounded out with Buster, Sadie and of course the resident weaners, Kerby,Hoku and Kolohe. Aloha, DB

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