Despite the windy, overcast, rough water conditions, the RI cast had a perfect Monk Seal day; to just snooze on the beach at RI. Ewa Girl and RIP were once again at the 2nd Blue Sign (2BS). Kerby hauled out to the 1BS, Kolohe to the right end of the beach, and Hoku at the Left Greenery (LG). R301, a subadult male, would haul out to check in with each of them through the day, and RIP also stopped by, Kolohe and Hoku. Sadie had the 3rd Blue Sign (3BS) all to herself. Aloha, DB

1 comment:
My heart goes out to the volunteers and hard working people protecting our Honu. No reason is acceptable for such a horrible act on a helpless endgangered creature. I truly hope that the person or persons responsible for this act are prosectued to the fullest extent.
Many thanks to you all and your efforts to protect these beautiful creatures. I am so sorry for the loss that we all are feeling.
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