Monday, October 18, 2010

10/18/2010 DB Dailies

Despite being on the road, dark and early as usual, it was 1110 before I finally found a critter. It was Kolohe at the far left end of the beach on Rabbit Island. He would be the one and only RI resident today, and did nothing but snooze and scratch.

Team Billand called with the report of Irma, once again near Access #187A, in Ewa Beach. This was her second day at that location.

At 1348 they found 2AW at Campbell Industrial Park. He had been seen yesterday at Ka'ena Point, so the boy is getting out and around.

Dana, and later Dera, called about an U/U reported at Kualoa. Diane Gabriel did a check, however the animal was gone when she arrived, so ???????

At 1524 a Sandy Beach lifeguard called to say that an animal was just hauling out to the east end of the beach. When I arrived at 1532 I found Benny at the water line, headed back for the water, with too many people standing too close. To was too late already by the time I got them to move back. Benny did what Benny does. He did a leisurely swim to the east to the cove at the end of SB, and after rolling around a bit in the shallows there, turned and came back to the beach at SB at 1556, hauling out right where he'd been before, at 1602. This time however I was ahead of him, and got to the people as he approached from off shore. I got him cordoned off and he went to snooze mode. Benny departed of his own volition at 1825. Look out Molokai girls, troubles comin'.

Posse member Kelly Evans got shots of an animal she saw on 10-17-10, well to the Kahuku side of Kahuku Point, that came to me through Karen Turner. It would prove to be Right Spot. Though Kelly never saw her right side, her totally unique "jigsaw puzzle" notch on her right hind flipper was clearly visible. Right Spot has molted somewhere along the way , and is lookin' spiffy in her new coat. The N6 bleach is history. Thank you Kelly !

A late afternoon email from Dera brought news that Makaiwi was one of the 3 seals counted on Kahoolawe yesterday !  ( I absolutely LOVE when this happens... when it all comes full circle, although Maka'iwi better come back home at some point).

Late afternoon email from Diane Gabriel confirmed that Lona had been at "Right Spot's Spot" and Ua Malie had been at Fishermen's Point today. It looks like Ua Malie might have a ding at her right "armpit", but considering the territory she hangs out in, I'd say thats to be expected.


Anonymous said...

Are those two pictures of Lona? I take it she hasn't molted yet? She looks so green. What are Lona identification markings? ok, too many questions:)

Donna said...

Aloha... Sorry I should have marked the photos, these pics are of Benny an adult male.
Lona is in a couple post further down. Her distinct markings are: untagged, adult female she has a mid body , right side cookie cutter scar, and a small natural bleach on her left side posterior. I hope this helps, and questions are good, we all get to share and learn. Thank you for taking the time. da blog lady