Tuesday, May 25, 2010

5/24/2010 DB Dailies

I believe , deep down in my little , bald heart that I spent the day with Ewa Girl, who was at the left end of Rabbit Island today. There may be an "Ooops" in my life tomorrow, since visibility and junk location, made getting the necessary markers a real grind. I do, however, believe that I saw her right face scar and chest scars. She is huge, and since I had my dollar on yesterday, I'd say there is a better than average chance of tomorrow being a very interesting, in terms of pupping. We shall see. EG was last seen on 2-25-10, by Team Billand at Campbell Industrial Park. Her last Rabbit Island visit had been after finishing her molt on 8-25-09.

The other Rabbit Island cast members were Duke, Buster and Sadie. In case you are new to the Monk Seal racket, these are all children of Ewa Girl.

At 1232 Sandy Beach life guard posse member Billy, called to advise that there was an animal swimming the beach front, and had hauled out at the east end of the beach. When I arrived at 1248 I found Benny. I got him cordoned off, and on my 1715 recheck he was still there. I'll be returning shortly.

Benny departed SB of his own volition at 1848.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Oh we are THRILLED Ewa Girl is back in town and back at R.I. Welcome home Royal Lady!!! Now if she could just pup right there on R.I. all would be AWESOME!!! Do it kid, have your little girl there, so it will be safe. We'll be waiting for the announcement from the seal whisperer!!! Our flippers are crossed!!! Yippee!!!