Friday, May 26, 2017

5/26/2017 Breaking News: Exciting and Scary to Say the Least!

Aloha Good People;  I came across this Instagram posted several hours ago..... Appears Nani and her first pup are hanging out in one of the worst possible locations. NOAA is going to have their hands full this weekend for sure!  If you are around the area please help the volunteers and caretakers by keeping your distance and help them manage those who are not being respectful. LET's HOPE Nani finds a hidden spot for her safety and PO2.  (Then again a threatened Mama may not tolerate anyone bugging them).

malamamonkseal  1st time ever #Monkseal mom n pup at the #mokuluaislands! NOAA is asking people to be careful and give them as much space as possible. If you know and you go, please help by informing others and preventing crash landings into the seals! Pup is about two weeks old and they should be nursing for another three weeks. Mahalo!

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