I found Buster and Benny doing 6 to 9 minute dives at Spitting Cave. Although they were close together, diving and surfacing together, I never saw any interaction at the surface. It appeared to be an all business, foraging session.
Team Billand called at 0602 to report Irma still at White Plains, near the lifeguard stand. They also reported Kermit in separate locations at White Plains. Last but not least they also found 2AW at Tracks at 0756.
Okay, let us return to the Rabbit Island scene. Another Day........Another Drama !!!
At 1228 Mikala hauled out to the left end of the beach, and it was immediately apparent that she had a bright pink "something " on the left side of her neck. Because of the poor observation conditions, and Mikala's obstinance in not giving me a decent look , it took a full afternoon to get some idea of what is going on here. Please keep in mind that we are talking 8/10th of a mile here, with less than ideal viewing circumstances, but by end of day it appears as though she has a bright pink fishing lure in the neck area on the left side. It appears as though the attachment point is at her left fore flipper pit, with the bright pink tendrils toward her head. I don't think there is any mouth involvement. She is not happy about the situation but at least it did not appear to be any life threatening hazard. All pertinent parties were notified, and no intervention was attempted today due to very poor sea conditions. I will, of course, be on it , first thing in the morning, and will advise NOAA personnel of the situation. Another Day.... Another Drama !! As I've said sooooo many times before.........these kids are killin' me !
1 comment:
There are no words to express how I feel about our sweet female pup, Mikala. Here she is innocently trying to make her way in life, now, she has this ugly thing connected to her face. Please dont be a hook, please be something that NOAA can take off easily. I hope they can do their rescue efforts TODAY! Once again DB DUNLAP's EAGLE EYES spots, reports the incident after long hours of observation. Thank you for your non stop efforts and dedication. No one has the incredible knowledge, no one has the LOVE of these Mammals as YOU. You are amazing! Good luck Mikala, help is coming soon, our prayers are with you.
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