When I got down to Makai Pier at 0719 I could see that Sadie was, once again, tucked into the base of the left end cliff, 40 ft left of 1BS. She would move down mid morning and spend the day in the company of RIP.
At 1100 when I got back to Makai Pier, I found RIP and Sadie together , 80 ft left of 1BS. They would remain there together the rest of the day.
At 1210 Mikala hauled out briefly at RIP & Sadie's location. Initially, she and Sadie entered the water and began playing in the shore break, but when RIP joined the fun, Mikala took of and hauled out alone at the far left end of the beach, where she would spend the rest of the day. RIP and Sadie would play for a while and then haul out again, lead by Sadie, to the original location
On a pan, at 1256, I became aware of a partially visible animal in a tide pool at the right end of the beach. In all probability the animal had been there all morning and I just happened to luck out and see a shiny new belly. At 1256 I would confirm that it was Kolohe when he hauled out to full view. His D#6 molt is 99%. He has just a small tuft on his posterior left side. Interestingly , his old dorsal epoxy location still shows as a dark, halo ring on his shoulder hump. His right side natural bleach is shining brightly.
On a pan at 1353 I found Duke newly hauled out and galumphing toward Mikala on the far left end of the beach. They would spend the rest of the day together.
Team Billand called at 1110 with the report of Irma at Tracks (Kahe Power Plant).
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