When I got back to Makai Pier (MP) at 0858 they had moved down and at 0904 they both entered the water , with Buster in the lead, and I would not see them again today.
On a pan at 0911 I found Mikala (1050) in her favorite tide pool, at the right end of the beach.
Taking advantage of the mid day low tide, I did a walking check of every inch of the water line from Makai Pier to Kiaona Beach Park in Waimanalo from 1110 until 1225. This was D#11 of the Duke Quest, but I found nothing.
When I got back to the pier I found that Mikala was no longer visible, so I was looking at an empty island. After a short phone conversation with Barbara Billand concerning Irma Poop, I looked into the scope at 1300, and to my absolute Shock & Awe.............Therrrrrrrrrrrre was DUKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at the left end of the beach. Why the HECK couldn't he have hauled out BEFORE I walked a gazillion miles ??????? This was D#11 of his absence. My elation was every bit as profound as getting the Kerby news a few days ago. These kids are killin' me !!!!
At 1308 Mikala hauled out 20 ft to Duke's right, and at 1316 Duke galumphed over to join her. At 1319 both entered the water and did a swim / play session in the shallows until 1347, when they hauled out together, 80 ft left of 1BS, with Duke in the lead. Both were in snooze mode when I departed at 1500.
Team Billand confirmed that Irma was still at White Plains, fronting cottage #1708 for the 3rd consecutive day. I am told that volunteers may be with her, if she is in fact there to molt.
A few words about Irma's behavior. Since Irma as basically been at some stage of pregancy ever since I met her, all of her molts have been of the post weaning variety, approximately 60 days after weaning that year's pup. This year she has finally taken a year off. Had she been pregnant she would be with child as we speak, and consequently molt in late November. Since that did not happen she is subject to molt on her normal schedule, want ever that might be. Taking this year off means that IF she has become pregnant again, she would probably give birth at the beginning of the window, around May or June. That being said, it would behoove her to molt early, which may very well might be now ! I've noticed in the photos from the past couple of days that her scratches and dings are looking alittle "molty" around the edges, though actually molting hasn't begun yet. Her recent behavior suggests that we might well be at Irma's molt. We shall see. Welcome home dear duke.. welcome home!
I am so delighted that our little DUKE is back home at Rabbit Island and appears to be doing great!!!!
I too am pleased that Kerby is hook free, another blessing. Thanks again DB for all your love and devotion you show all these precious monk seals throughout the year and let's not forget our favorite "bloglady" for her dedication to all the fans of this blog!!!!
Hip, Hip, Hooray!!! Three cheers to Mr. Dunlap for his incredible work with monk seals. It is a Huge relief that he found DUKE. No one has the determination, loyalty, knowledge, respect as Mr. Dunlap. No one got those sharp EAGLE EYES, no one can measure up to his knowledge on all the seals he knows and watches daily at Makai Pier. He is truly an amazing man and we are all very blessed to have him doing all he does every single day. Thank you Mr. Dunlap for sharing your treasured find with all of us guys. You the bestest ever!!!!!!!!! Thank you too for all your great shots of the kids finally back home and froliking together as best buds. Yahoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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