Barbara Billand and some other Anonymous hero, did the Ka'ena Point trek today. The fact that they found M&M on the way in , and Ka'ena , newly molted, lying beside her on the way out, would have been more that enough, but after 54 days they found KERBY !!!! He was on the back beach, and up in the sand. He was also partially molted. All the necessary calls were made, but it was determined by Barbara at 1113, that there was no longer a fish hook there. Abundant documenting shots were taken. Somehow, someway, he did it himself. The bottom line is that the fish hook is gone, and he appeared as happy and healthy as a molting critter can look. As the whippersnappers say..........OMG !!!!! Thank you guys....... you've made a short, fat , bald guy one happy ol' dude !!
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WHAT CAN I SAY?? Yesterday was Heaven and relief to find Kerby and to see him MOLTING! THE BEST PART, EVEN IF IT TOOK FOREVER TO SEE HIS LEFT SIDE OF THE MOUTH, IT WAS WORTH THE LONG OBSERVATIONS. THE HOOK AND THAT LONG WIRE LEADER WAS AMAZINGLY....GONE!!! I think the seal angels helped KERBY and they all heard my prayers from DAY #1. How can I explain the extrodianry way I feel, I cant. Just know how very grateful, relieved, thrilled and extremely HAPPY I feel this morning. Thanks to all the heros who went with me all those weeks to find this little seal called "Kerby". Yippeee. Oh, and it was a bonus to find M and M who is the Princess. And to see Kaena almost fully molted too. It really was a day to remember forever. We are all blessed that some how, some way, our Kerby, is finally FREE!!! And do you know there were fishermen in the area Kerby was at first, fishing for Olua???? Yep. Hope Kerby never see's another hook in his lifetime ... EVER!!! Excuse me, I have to go scream with JOY now. Try Wait........................Ok, I'm better now. Cheers!!!!
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